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Vaccination schedule

Pharmadeje pharmacy is kept up to date by the Spanish association of vaccinology.
Consult the Spanish vaccination schedules for infants, adolescents, adults facing occupational hazards, and for 65 year-olds, according to the CAV-AEP. Additionally, you can find other vaccines necessary both in Europe, and in the developing world, as recommended by the World Health Organisation:

Woman sunbathing on the beach with a drawing of sun on her leg with sunscreen cream


The first signs of a sunburn may not appear until a few hours after being in the sun. The whole effect on the skin can take up to 24 hours to show up. Possible symptoms include:

  • Red and sensitive skin, warm to the touch
  • Blisters that appear hours/days after the exposure
  • Severe reactions (so-called sun allergy), including fever, chills, nausea, skin rash…
  • Peeling skin in areas affected by the sun several days after the sun exposure

Sunburn symptoms are normally temporary. However, frequent damage to the skin’s cells is permanent, and may have serious long-term consequences, which include skin cancer and premature aging of the skin. When the skin starts to turn red and painful, the damage is done. The pain is most intense between 6 and 48 hours after the sun exposure.

If you become sunburned, see a professional who can assess the degree of the sunburn, and give you suitable treatment. This treatment will vary according to the type of burn.

Precautions to prevent sunburn include:

  • Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Broad-spectrum sunscreens protect against UVB and UVA rays, as well as IR.
  • Apply a generous amount of sunscreen, completely covering any exposed skin. Reapply every two hours, or as frequently as indicated on the label.
  • Apply sunscreen after swimming or sweating, even on cloudy days.
  • Use a lip balm with sunscreen in it.
  • Wear a wide brimmed hat and other clothing items which cover the skin. Light-coloured clothing is more effective at reflecting the sun.
  • Stay out of the sun when the sun’s rays are most intense, between 12 noon and 5pm.Wear sunglasses with UV ray protection
Backpack hiking with boots of mountain

Precautionary measures for mountain trekking

90% of accidents in the mountains are of a traumatic nature (falling or tripping). Only a small percentage are of a non-traumatic nature (burns, frostbite, altitude sickness)

The mountaineer, unlike other athletes, can’t get immediate attention after an accident. So, when we’re trekking, we need to bring a first-aid kit, with everything we might need according to the activity we’re going to do.

  • 1 blanket (so-called rescue or survival blankets)
  • 1 role of plastic or cloth tape; avoid paper tape. (also good for scrapes)
  • 3 packs of gauze
  • 3 packs of compresses
  • 4 single-dose vials of povidone iodine (those with allergies to this product should bring a substitute)
  • 1 triangular handkerchief. (Very useful to immobilize the upper limbs).
  • 2 plaster dressings (for sunburns and/or ropeburns and scrapes, some people prefer to use Vaseline. Be careful with this option, as not all Vaselines are applicable).
  • 1 pack of butterfly stitches (for small and deep cuts that don’t need stitches)
  • 1 pack of blister patches
  • 3 painkillers/anti-inflammatories (Be careful with medicines. Always check for allergies, or if it’s contraindicated with other medicines you take).
  • 3 vials of single dose physiological saline solution (just like distilled wáter, it is used to clean the region before applying antiseptic)
  • 3 medium bandages (the ones with the red band. Dressing and immobilization)
  • 3 antihistamines
  • 3 antipyretics (in cases of fever, Paracetamol is also effective)
  • 3 anti-diarrheals
  • 3 glucose tablets
  • 10 bandaids/plasters (various shapes and sizes. Round ones are good for toes).
  • 2 pairs of nitrile rubber gloves (Many people are allergic to latex gloves, and they dry out more easily; These ones are the blue gloves we have all seen in films).
  • 3 packets of electrolyte solution (helps to fight diarrhea and dehydration).
  • 1 ammonia pen for insect bites


Federación Tinerfeña de Montañismo

Sand on the dry desert.


Haze is a meteorological phenomenon, characterized by the presence of suspended dust particles, sand, and even ash and clay in the atmosphere, and is.

There are several types of haze:

  • Type A Haze: Dust, salts (sodium), or other elements in the air.
  • Type B Haze: Contamination or forest fires.

The effects of haze on our health are clear; it obstructs visibility, respiratory difficulties develop, irritation of the mucous membranes, nasal obstruction, itchy eyes, cough… if the haze persists, after a few days we may develop bronco-spasms (serious difficulty breathing), chest pain, and asthma. At times, even panic attacks may occur.

To mitigate these consequences, children and the elderly in particular should ingest plenty of liquid to avoid dehydration. If the symptoms persist or get worse, see a medical professional to establish a diagnosis and determine an appropriate treatment plan.

dolor de estomago


It is important to diagnose the type of gastroenteritis in order to establish the treatment. In all cases it’s necessary to rehydrate, and replenish salts and bacterial flora.

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