Welcome to all and the most curious!

Finally, they just recognized the benefits of using a menstrual cup. Not only is it recognized by women who have used it but it has also been officially published by doctors and scientists in The Lancet – Public Health.

But … what is a menstrual cup?

Despite being still a very little known alternative, the menstrual cup is a container that is placed in the vagina during menstruation to deposit the menstrual flow.

And the best is yet to come …

In addition to being able to collect the menstrual flow up to 12 hours, you can collect three times more than a tampon and if it is well placed there will be no spillage.

Best of all, they have not forgotten any of us and in your pharmacy you can find different sizes!

For me this new product brings other benefits

Since it only needs to be boiled in water to sterilize and reuse it; A single drink can last you ONE YEAR. This allows us to contribute our grain of sand to the environment since we will stop using products costly during our menstrual cycle.

IMPORTANT – Approach PharmAdeje pharmacy, and find out if this product is conditioned to your needs. You can also contact us by phone. Remember that we are here to advise you. Our priority is your health.

Come and meet us or follow us also through our social networks.

Thank you very much for reading and have a happy week.

Your pharmacy

Farmacia PharmAdeje

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